Sunday, August 2, 2020

Jeff Introduces Himself

Note : this blog was done mostly way back when blogs were young and we posted pictures instead of PDF files- and and all was more complicated to find. This blog is good however,, for Jeff's poems and art work and writings. CLICK ON THE PHOTOS TO GET THEM BIGGER. I have the pdfs of the latest docs posted here as pictures- - the affidavits of  recanting witnesses etc- And you can see these on his new post in our new blog

Here are links to new evidence in Jeff's case and relevant older docs

Jeff Poff 390966
Waupun Correctional Institution
Po Box 189
Phoenix, MD 21131
The letters now go thru a third party and take three weeks for delivery on average.


I'm a man in search of a ???…Well, 4-the moment only a friend.
Somebody I can talk to about life's trial, triumphs and Passions
Somebody who understand the hard knocks and life sometime bringz
A woman who can appreciate good conversation and company
From a man not a boy but a man who lovez and adores a woman's companionship,
A woman who can Relate and Feel my pain, strugglez, and constant life or death situations that a man in My position faces daily bejind this wallz unjustly.

Note from blogger: We have below substituted letters for names in Jeff's story. We have all documents proving his story and would be glad to make copies of court and police reports etc, available un- edited to those who wish to help Jeff.

HI , my name is Jeff Poff and as you can see I am Incarcerated, a victim of Diz so called system. In September 30th, 2001 while I was hanging out at home at home With my Father Jeff Thompson Curtz out in New Berlin, WI I gotta call from my girl friend (A) whom I had met just a month before when we and the mother of my two kids ( down in Florida) had separate and I ended up moving to Milwaukee with her.

Around 10:30 I got a call from (A) claiming that while she was hanging out on the South Side Of Milwaukee at her girlfriends house , a dude by the name of (C) had pistol whooped her and had threatened to kill her whenever he tried to seduce her and she declined.

I must admit that I could care less weather or not (A)'s accusations at the time were in fact true had specifically since I had Warned her personally earlier in the day not to go back to the South Side anymore!

But do to the fact that (A) had another lover in her life and was constantly getting "high" I decided to say fuckit and let her go so I could get my shit together and go back home down to Florida with my girl and kids.

Ms (A) mostive called at least 3 or 4 different times that night telling me the same story over and over before she decided to put this kid that I Knew from the hood named (D) on the phone who then proceeded to tell me how he had begged this chump (C) 4- ms (A)’s life and that I should really consider letting her cum home before this individual came back and killed her.

Now a whore or should I say a “putana “ iz a whore no matter what language you may try to put it or say it, but a whore born the daughter of a (Mob bozz) you NEVER want to treat as such otherwise you’ll pay the ultimate price believe me I know my only wordz to (A) that night were “Get your azz home now.”

Later (A)finally decided to show up at my father’s house all drunk and high, getting loud and stupid untill my father got so fucking pist off he ended up kicking the both of us out.

Around 3 or 3:30 a.m. me and (A)arrived at the South Side of Milwaukee now on the hunt -4-this (C) carractor who I was already aquiented with very well do to past bad history between me and most of his guys including (3guys), whom had both “set me up” back in early 2000 with two different homicide cases that they had committed then told the police that I was the one who had done it, luckily enough I ended up beating both cases.

This had come about after I arrived in Milwaukee in 2000 and had threatened to kill (e) so called leader and co-founder of the Latin King Nation in Milwaukee in the early 70’s when he became a well known “fed Snitch” that raped my Father’s 4-year –old little girl along with some F.B.I. agents (names deleted)

Anyway, early in September 2001, I had given (E) a Final Ultimatum to either testfy against the Fedz 4-the sins that they had committed or die 4 his own. He decided to take one last shot at me with his guyz and the F.B.I. and tryied taking me out the game, but instead of waiting around 4 –them to cum to me I decided to bring the drama to them like I ALWAYZ did from day one. I arrived at the scene in Jan 2000.

After we got some food at one of the restaurants in the hood on 16th /Cesar Chavez we went to a gaz station on 6th /Lapham to buy (A)'s cat some cat food where we ended up running into a well known prostitute named (F) who after I had explained to her what (C) had done to (A) she suggested that we give her a ride to see if she could take us to where this chump might be at.

After driving throu a couple of spots where C miteve been hanging out at including where A had been earlier in the night .We ended up dropping F at 8th /Greenfield where she said she had to turn a “trick”, me and A then went to G on 14th /Mitchell where I personally had seen Hugo hanging out at selling dope, after we arrived there and explained to G what was going on she then suggested that I hang around and Cool off untill she could talk to C herself.

Then as soon as we sat down to eat our food some girl had come in with some older Mexican dude that drove a black chevy low rider truck talking about they had just copped some (rocks) from Hugo about 5 Minutes ago at B's

I didn’t even say a word to them I just told A “lets go” and got into the jeep with no pistol on me or anything else to defend myself with. As soon as I pulled upon the scene and parked next to B house next to a red Buick that I know belonged to another gang banger that lived on the scene and associated with my enemiez. I saw C and a (G)16 year old “ enforcer” 4- the Kings who later became another fed snitch both robbing a Mexican male at gun point in the middle of the yard that faced at least 3 or 4 different houses in the alleyway on 14th and Greenfield which later became a murder scene.

What happened next happened so fast that sometimez I wake upin the middle of the night still thinking that maybe all this is just a bad dream.

I remember getting out of the jeep and seeing this Mexican male on his knees with his hands on top of his head while (G) held a black semi automatic to the man’s head over his hands while Hugo went through the man’s pockets.

At 1st I thought no big deal just another dope fiend getting robbed out of his money like I had seen done a thousand times allready by this same individuals, aint no body gonna get hurt just the – that I’m about to whoop 4 disrespecting the woman I was dating.

But then as I started to get closer yelling at this –(C) to cum hollar at me in “spanol” the man that was getting robbed all of a sudden “got up” and tried to make a run 4-it . G gun then flashed once shooting the man in the head as he fell to the ground screaming like a wounded animal.

Sometimes I blame myself for the death of this innocent man. Sometimez I even wonder if getting blamed 4-this man’s death by those who killed him and the woman I tried to defend that night wasn’t my destiny all along? Anyway I know that I should’ve called the police and reported what I saw but with 2 other homicide cases on my back allready that I knew I didn’t commit, calling the copz that night seemed to be the worst decision I could’ve made all my life.

That night after the shooting I knew that I had been seen by the others arriving and leaving the scene of the crime including (list), all this individuals instead of telling the truth chose to lie and implicate me in this matter and set free those who commited the crime.

I expected do to the fact that I was an oursider” cuming into a neighborhood going against the grain, but that I didn’t expect was 4-the woman I had allowed in my life and cum to defend to put the final nail in my coffin.
My name is Blaze and this is my story.

Wordz to Live by
If it’s got to be
Then it’s up to me
So powerfull a Revelation in such a simple and yet
Painfully obvious Truth.
A god iz not cuming to “save me “ or make Right the
Wrongz of others , good iz not about to spring frum
bad nor vurtue from evil and the only thing that will
happen to those who treat me cruelly iz that they’ll
“Prosper” upon my “misery.” Diz are the TRUE lessons
Of life
! A Revolution iz here the Revolution iz NOW!
Do Something to sustain it
Stand up 4- something or die!
Begin by writing a letter to the governor and
Understand my protest, then hold a fast and get
all those letters mailed to the governor , media
Radio , etc. and find a NON violent way to make the set me free.
Stop buying into the “propaganda” that my cause is worthless and that my life is over, that I’m worthless and that they’ve the right to control me and ruin inocent lives and dreams!
Stop cowering down before Diz “paper tigers” and giant shadows cast by imperious Runts.
Abandon your fears and be driven by
The simple truth!
If it’s got to be
Then it’s up to me

Blood of a Slave
Hart of a King

A True Story

I was concieved in sin
Cursed since birth
The only thing that I’m sure about life are the
Constant striuggles that I’ve with my “demons” and
The way I hurt so deeply in my Soul
The good word calls it a “generational curse”
All my ancestors were either King pens , drug
Lordz or whores, now it’s up to me to break
Diz evil circle or my little girl iz the one
who’s gona get hurt!
Oh Lord have mercy on me and teach me thy
Wayz, give me the strength to be “humble”
And please please don’t let me live like Diz
When I reach the grave.

Wordsz from a Fallen angel
Dedicated to my little girl

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Jeff Poff Reaches Out to Prove Innocence

Jeff aims to prove that it was a gang shooting and Jeff was settup=and all has changed in his life since. 

Jeff's Introduction:

Actual Case documents

Trying to get help:

Mental health records:
last time Jeff saw his daughter
Jeff' s daughter Grace

Father's Bar in 1975
Jeff with Kathy B

WSPF program successfully completed

Tutorial completed /

picture of Jeff at arrival in prions:"Me Against the World"

Monday, May 21, 2018

New Evidence of Innocence

November 2018
Jeff tells his story anew plus has important evidence:
1) STORY:Story in his own words:

2)ARMY DISCHARGE:   his honorable discharge from the army:

3) Detective Report: Detective report:

     Hello, my name is Jeff Poff Saenz, and I’m an immigrant(Afro)Latino man originally from Panama who has been held against my will over “political” reasons for the past 17 years of my life. 
   My case involves he death of an ex-crooked politician’s family member along with members of the Latin King gang, and the daughter of a (mob bozz) down in Verobeach Florida back in late September 2001 after being in Milwaukee, WI only month or so. I was arrested and later prosecuted for the death of Gabriel Castillo Reyes(A.K.A. Gomez,) at trial the ONLY so called evidence that was used to convict ,e was the testimony of my ex-girlfriend Heather Mae Colandrea, the daughter of James Colandrea, a ( mob boss)down in Verobeach, FL, who’s daughter not only has a history of framing innocent men, but also uses her father’s influence, money and power in order to get away with her crimes!
    The people responsible for commiting dis crime are Alfredo Montanez , A.K.A. King Shorty, along with Hugo Deportillo ,A.K.A.King Jr; both Latin King members and Fed informers for F.B.I.-Us Atty. Mario Gonsalez to be exact, who has been covering up the truth and protecting dis guys for 17 years.
    Since my conviction I’ve gathered te necessary evidence to not only prove my innocence but also prove who the real killers are and expose those responsible for framing me!
     I’ve a web site called _”blood of a Slave, Hart of a King. Here is the address: Here you can read about my story an study some of the evidence I’ve posted on my web site- the most important evidence I’ve in my possession  today. If you like I can send to you after I hear back from you, They’re my only copies! You can also contact FFUP if you want to help. (contact information below)
I need help publicizing my story and appealing my case since my funds are very limited and I’ve no support from family or friends
I’m an army vet with an honorable discharge wo grew up without a mother or a father and even doe I do have and extensive criminal record ( after) my military service. Prior to cuming to Wisconsin in Jan 2000 I had NEVER BEEN arrested for a violent crime in my life!
Every day that I turn on the TV (someone) mostly Blacks or Latinos are always being released from prison for crimes not committed by them, but by their own states who wrongfully prosecuted the wrong person. Do you know what happens to a man Tafter spending decades locked up in the dark (cages)? they become exactly as they were taught to be, animals with wounded souls-some too far gone cuz they simply gave up or too wounded to be repaired!
Please help me before it is too late for me, I’ve a strong story to tell and I believe that I can help make a change!

Jeff Poff 390966
Boscobel, WI 53805

FFUP c/o Peg Swan
29631 Wild Rose Drive
Blue River, WI 53518

Just the other day while on the phone with family , I got to hear my little girl “Grace” cry and opened up her hart to me for the first time in 17 years the I’ve been away, which just left me broken and feeling hopeless inside!
Then as the days passed and I sat all alone in this dark cage I came across the following evidence of my case and decided to post on my web page just to see if anyone out there mite see it and maybe will help me prove my innocence and help me get my life back one day?
 Don’t believe in MUCH anymore except the will to survive , and the need 4 justice in order to make things right while I’m still alive!
Please help me!

Here are Jeff's Documents:
letter to the media:


Thursday, December 5, 2013

documents in the case

click to view bigger

July 8, 2010
Jeff Poff #390966
Waupun Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351 '
RE: Your case

Dear Mr. Poff,
In reviewing your case I find it very hard to believe that you were convicted on the basis of the evidence presented at your trial. The following is a list of the discrepant, inconsistent testimony of Heather Mae Colandrea.
1. Heather testified several times in the trial that she heard 2 shots fired by the accused, yet only 1 bullet casing was found at the scene. Additionally, the medical examiner found only 1 bullet that first entered the right hand and then apparently passed through the head. The position of the hand of the victim was undoubtedly at his head to protect him from the path of the BULLET, which impacted in both the hand and the head. This suggests it was a single shot.
2. The above single shot had to occur at a distance of inches to 1 foot since gunshot residue was found on the right hand. Yet Heather testified falsely that the shooting was at a distance of 1 5-20 feet away, a distance where no gunshot residue would be found. Since both shots were fired, according to Heather, at less than 1 second apart (testimony) this would also leave gunshot residue on the head - if indeed 2 shots were fired.

The autopsy Doctor Rebecca Hsu, the medical examiner, stated that the wound she saw in the hand was a "CONTACT WOUND."
In conclusion it is my opinion that the victim was shot once only at a distance of
inches to one foot - not at the distance of 15-23' as stated by Heather Colandrea.

Yours truly,
Kenneth A. Siegesmund, Ph.D. 17825 Primrose Lane Brookfield, WI 53045

according to him, but then he goes on to say, but there was only one casing found. So what is she supposed to be lying about? That the guy was shot twice? There are two holes in him.
So even if a second casing isn't found , the fact of the matter is unless for some reason he had his hand on his head and there is only one bullet that shot Through his hand and then through his head.I guess it would be important to take into consideration. When Mr. Poff decides he is not going to tell the truth, he is really bad at not telling the truth.

It is one thing for him to say that Heather Colandrea is a liar about him being the person who shot this man twice, but the fact is the man was shot twice. So what is the point? That Heather Colandrea picked up the second casing? What for? The man had two holes in him.
Nothing was tested for gun powder,he says. So what? The man had a hole in his head and in his hand. No one is calling this a suicide, and he was the only one there to be tested. I suppose he was the only one who remained. So two days later when this defendant is picked up, what are they supposed to do?